"We are confident that our main goal - no more noisy trains until 2020 - is reached on time"
Berlin. - Joint Press Statement of the initiators of the "parliamentary group train noise" - Erwin Rüddel, MP (CDU / CSU), Tabea Rößner, MP (Green) and Detlev Pilgrims, MP (SPD) - the most recent meeting of the parliamentary group in Berlin with the Noise Protection Officer of Deutsche Bahn AG Ines Jahnel, the managing director of the Association of private freight wagons holder in Germany (VPI) Jürgen Tuscher and the speaker of the initiatives-community traffic noise Gerd Kirchhoff.
v.l.n.r. : Gerd Kirchhoff, spokesman CI against traffic noise; Erwin Rüddel, MP; Detlev pilgrims MP; Ines Jahnel, noise protection officers of DB AG; Jürgen Tuscher, Managing VPI; Tabea Rößner, MP